Do You Know My Friend, Grateful?
Grateful is my Friend and many days I forget and I totally miss out on the beauty of life. Several of my friends are struggling with cancer and I'm so healthy and I forget what I have!
What causes this craziness? It may be because I compare myself to others that have something I "think" I want or I'm missing out on.
Today, my teaching pastor Mike Breaux, said there is no "win" in comparison! Comparing my situation to others is a serious waste of time and resources.
He also reminded me that "Envy is resenting God's goodness in others' lives while ignoring His goodness in mine." This is living a life of "if only!" If only I had a new house, car, job...just like my friends Charlie and Sally. The "if only" life is a mirage and leads to jealously, resentment, anger and a life of frustration and relationships that destroy our hope and contentment!
Mike also suggested that contentment is learned by practicing gratitude and all of this comes from a deep place inside each of us!
What about you?
What is your relationship with my friend, Grateful?
Are you living a life of "if only?"
What do you have and are not appreciating?
Who are you comparing yourself to?
What will it take for you and me to make a commitment to practice Gratefulness so we can have contentment?